I'd suggest it's an alternate world like Aelos, but within the Multverse Dimension. (The concept of "game universe realities" is explained in Bruce Heard's "Up, Away, and Beyond" article in the Vaults.) The Realm also exists in the 3E Reality, since there were 3E stats for the Kids in the DVD release.Īnd so though The Realm is a different world/planet than Mystara, it must exist somewhere in the Classic D&D Universe.either as another planet, or as alternate world (like Aelos), or in another Dimension (distinct from the Multiverse Dimension, such as a "Cartoon Show Dimension"). It just means that (some or all of) the Action Figure characters live a parallel existence in all four.ĭue to the mixed D&D/AD&D branding of The Realm and the Kingdom of Ghyr/LJN Action Figures, they (like the world of Pelinore) must exist in both the Classic D&D Reality and the AD&D 1E Reality. That doesn't mean these are the same worlds. In some interview with Bruce, he affirmed that Ghyr would be located in Mystara somewhere, though it has no official exact placement.) The Kingdom of Ghyr (which is just a kingdom, so could easily be placed in Mystara. To synthesize all this, I'd say some or all of the LJN Action Figure characters exist in all four settings:Ģ. The Kids were later seen in a Forgotten Realms comic book - they were apparently older, and just passing through on further adventures. But these are only a few of many features which officially exist both in Greyhawk and Mystara along with, for example, the Keep on the Borderlands and the Caverns of Quasqueton. In 3E era, there was an online article which placed Warduke and Strongheart in the Core world of Greyhawk, and gave biographies which indicated they'd always lived there. Shady Dragon Inn was later officially placed in Darokin.Īction Figure characters also appear in the Ierendi Gazetteer. The Action Figure characters are also featured in Shady Dragon Inn. Some of the Action Figure characters, such as Warduke, also appear in episodes of the Cartoon Show. Ghyr is branded "D&D" but the figures are branded "AD&D". In contrast, the Kingdom of Ghyr (from Quest for the Heartstone) is the setting of the Action Figures produced by LJN toys. And from an Out of Game perspective, reportedly, Hasbro/WotC may've sold all of the rights to the D&D Cartoon Show to another company, which, if true, would mean that The Realm is functionally a distinct Intellectual Property. The Realm of the D&D Cartoon must be a different world than Mystara because, IIRC, there are moons visible in the sky which don't match Mystara's.